Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday - June 30, 2011 CATS & TOYS

"Hello, my name is Chicky and I want to help update this blog."

Several months ago, we bought the cat condo that you can see in the left of this picture. You can also see that it was looking a little shabby in this picture since the cats likes to sharpen their claws on the fabric covering the poles. Of course, Chicky could care less as you can see in this picture.

Charlotte & Chicky taking it easy and catching a few rays by the window. Notice that they aren't on the cat condo. Also notice some of their toys on the table in front of Charlotte. You talk about spoiled cats!
Since the old cat condo was showing signs of wear, Terry got on the Internet and starting shopping for a new one. She liked the one shown in this picture and it only cost about $100!
The new condo arrived and of course it had to be assembled. There were about 40 pieces and the instructions were in German! I don't speak German and the assembly looked complicated. Good grief! Thank God there were a few pictures in the instruction sheets.
Chicky liked the box that the pieces came in and wasn't the slightest bit interested in the condo assembly process. After a few false starts, I finally figured out how to put everything together.
Chicky decided that she liked the condo, especially the mouse that hangs from one of the platforms. At first, Charlotte wasn't interested and I think she was actually afraid of the thing.
"Hey, this is pretty nice!"

Charlotte finally decided to give the 'hammock' a try and you can see from her expression that she decided that she liked it. She's a little big for this portion of the condo but this is definitely "her spot" while Chicky prefers to be up high.
I had one more picture that I wanted to end this with but I can't seem to upload it. I better quit while I'm ahead and try to post this thing as is. I will send another blog update with a bunch of pictures of my garden and flowers-- but not tonight! Two updates in one day are enough and it is getting late.
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  1. Those are some spoiled cats, but they are sooooo much fun! We laugh at ours everyday! Thanks for the candlestick, I sure hope it'll grow! Have a good holiday! Bobbi

  2. dad, those are some great pics. glad you figured out how to get them where you want them. post a pic of the whole cat condo from afar. that's much more elaborate than mine. you look good.
    love Tan
